Dječaci opet u Ljubljani 27.08.2011. subota


Saturday, August 27th at 9.30. Novi trg/Breg. FREE ENTRANCE.
“There’s nothing I dig more in the summer bloom / Than coming back from the beach in the afternoon / On the sofa I perch and that peach I nibble / Then check out them lucky pairs as I dribble / I sit through the news, the sports and the weather / While with tap water I quench my thirst altogether / The dirt called my earwax I thoroughly clean / And check out what’s cooking in the pot full of steam … Stuffed peppers!” Stuffed peppers are Dječaci’s favourite in the summertime, while Dječaci are our favourite at the Mladi levi festival!

Sharp lyrics, direct messages. Their website says: “They rap well, but they’re retards.” The critics place them amongst the five most creative hip hop groups in the Balkan region, but they are not all that often played on the radio as one might expect, since – as they note themselves – their lyrics are slightly too rough and their videos slightly too realistic. However, they wouldn’t even consider “polishing shit”, just so that the editors might approve. We certainly do like them! If we say that we prefer them to stuffed peppers then it must be clear how much we simply adore them!

sobota, 27. avgust ob 21.30
Novi trg/Breg

Dječaci so nabriti dečki

“Liti mi nema ništa draže / Nego popodne doć sa plaže / Sist na kauč, poist breskvu / Pogledat parove na teletekstu / Pogledam dnevnik, šport i vrime / Napijem se hladne vode iz spine / Iščeprkam sol iz uha / Pogledam u loncu šta se kuha … Punjene paprike!” Dječaci imajo poleti najraje polnjene paprike, mi pa imamo poleti najraje Dječake na Mladih levih!

Ostra besedila, direktna sporočila. “Dobro repaju al su stvarno debili.”, piše na njihovi spletni strani. Glasbeni kritiki jih uvrščajo med pet najbolj kreativnih skupin hip hop scene na Balkanu, vendar jih na radiu množično ne predvajajo, ker so, kot pravijo, njihovi teksti za dlako pretrdi in njihovi spoti na televizijah za dve dlaki preveč realistični. Ampak niti na pamet jim ne pride „glancati sranje“, da bi bili všeč glasbenim urednikom. Všeč so nam! Če rečemo, da jih imamo skoraj raje kot polnjene paprike, potem veste, da jih obožujemo!

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